As a businessman, Tamotsu Miura devoted his life to development of the once-through boiler and the creation of MIURA CO.,LTD.
On the other hand, he was also passionate about his hobbies and pastimes, and was a person who displayed many facets.
It was that attitude toward daily life that provides the origins for what his company is like today. This stance that we like to call "MIURA-ism" that combines not being afraid of challenges or failure, of being rigorous about work, and of being friendly to people continues today.

"Do your work with your dreams in mind"
Tamotsu loved the word "romanticism." He always said that a company's president had to be a greater romanticist than anyone else. This was based on his thinking as follows: "A president should be doing his or her work with their dreams in mind. The dreams are the objective. Creativity and ingenuity as well as a proactive ability to surmount every hardship are what make dreams a reality."

Encountering the idea
"Love produces love, and trust produces trust"
Tamotsu came across this expression in his young days, and it made a lasting impression on his view of life. He continued to quote the phrase as he entered his working years, and it vividly expresses his distinctive human qualities. He also never hesitated to proudly say that he had never been betrayed by someone he trusted.

Posting the "pursuit of knowledge" placard and declaring Year One for Education
Tamotsu believed it important to have the spirit of study at heart, and he was passionate about employee education. He said, "Mastering new things in the course of one's daily work in a spirit of rigorous but friendly competition with one's co-workers makes those things become a part of one's very being, leading to employee growth. Stagnation is not something that will befall our employees. I want to see them work hard at absorbing knowledge and honing their skills until the day they die, and continue to be 'enterprisers' vibrant and full of life." He declared 1987 to be Year One for Education, and posted a placard bearing the characters meaning "pursuit of knowledge" at the training institute.