About Miura Institute
of Environmental Science
Miura Institute of Environmental Science (MIES) was established in 1992 as a
department of MIURA CO., LTD.
MIES is recognized as the first company in Japan to have acquired
international standard ISO/IEC17025 certification for dioxin analysis and provided high quality analysis

For more than 30 years, MIES (Miura Institute of Environmental Science) has provided comprehensive testing solutions to clients in a wide range of industries. One of key analysis services is POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants). Our adoption of state-of-the-art technology and innovative methodologies ensure that we deliver the highest quality services.

We will develop products able to contribute to society by studying environmental technologies that are critical to a modern recycling-based society.

By studying (with industrial - academic - government cooperation) environmental technology, a most important issue in a modern recycling-based society, we will develop products that can contribute to society. Such product development will include measurement and countermeasure technologies for ultratrace environmental contaminants and endocrine disrupters, as well as waste recycling.
Opened MIURA Endowed Chair
Laboratory of Environmental Science for Industry, Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
We are conducting fundamental research on environmental measurement technology and waste recycling, and we are aiming at making this research practical by inaugurating an endowed chair at Ehime University and donating the Environmental Industry Research Center (Miura Building) to the University.