Terms of Use

Linking to this site

Persons wishing to link to this website are asked to link to the Miura top page
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Please note that the URL of this site may change without notice.

You may not link to this site from sites that fall under the following categories.

Websites that libel Miura or other companies and organizations, or that contain content that seeks to discredit Miura or other companies and organizations.

Websites that actively or potentially infringe the copyright, trademark rights or other intellectual property, property, privacy, portrait or other rights of Miura or other companies and organizations.

Websites that show this site within a frame, or other means likely to confuse the viewer as to the ownership of the content.

Websites that violate laws, ordinances, and regulations, or offend public morality. Websites that may interfere with the provision of this site.


Product names, service names and logos shown on this site are the registered trademarks or trademarks of Miura or other parties.

The copyright for the content of this site belongs to Miura or other parties. You may not duplicate, alter, redistribute, or sell any portion of this site without express permission from Miura.


Miura makes no guarantee of the accuracy or completeness of any of the information, including the various documents on this site. Miura cannot be held responsible for any errors in this information. In addition, Miura cannot be held responsible for any damages incurred through use of this information. The information on the site may change without notice.

Corporate Communications Department